Welcome to the Georgia Golf Environmental Foundation


The Georgia Golf Environmental Foundation promotes sustainable environmental stewardship.


The purpose of this Foundation is for the advancement of education and research in the field of turfgrass improvement and management; the collection and dissemination of information; environmental protection; and the promotion of public awareness and safety.

Zach Johnson, GGEF Spokesperson

Most golf course superintendents love golf but, without exception, they are drawn to their careers through a love of the land and the outdoors. Better than anyone, they appreciate the fact that their work space is a living, breathing organism that must be nurtured with care. They are stewards of the acreage in their charge but they are also economic stewards on behalf of their facilities. It is in the best interests of both roles that they use the minimum resources to present the best possible conditions.

Today’s superintendents draw on more environmental science than any generation before them. They constantly update their knowledge through seminars at conferences, at educational meetings and online. In growing numbers, through programs such as the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program and the Georgia GCSA’s own Best Management Practices for Water Conservation and Water Quality, they commit to environmental standards greater than those required by law.

Superintendents strive day in and day out to promote environmental sustainability because the land is what brought them to the job but also because taking the best care of the land translates to the best business practice.